all postcodes in B34 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B34 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B34 6TP 15 0 52.494459 -1.781349
B34 6TQ 18 0 52.496011 -1.784391
B34 6TR 26 0 52.494582 -1.779405
B34 6TS 13 0 52.49397 -1.779511
B34 6TT 12 0 52.493153 -1.779809
B34 6TU 23 0 52.492903 -1.780871
B34 6TW 32 1 52.494037 -1.781263
B34 6TX 28 0 52.493973 -1.78063
B34 6TY 6 0 52.495167 -1.779991
B34 6TZ 23 0 52.495159 -1.78058
B34 6UB 26 0 52.492138 -1.7803
B34 6UD 26 0 52.49211 -1.779535
B34 6UH 35 0 52.49264 -1.77937
B34 6WQ 1 0 52.485731 -1.786871
B34 6XB 1 1 52.485731 -1.786871
B34 6HF 0 52.494874 -1.791952
B34 6HW 0 52.495315 -1.792422