all postcodes in B34 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B34 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B34 6SA 28 0 52.497423 -1.779803
B34 6SB 4 0 52.498068 -1.778533
B34 6SD 44 0 52.498788 -1.779133
B34 6SE 25 0 52.497712 -1.780523
B34 6SG 24 0 52.497598 -1.782188
B34 6SH 36 0 52.498886 -1.783154
B34 6SJ 42 1 52.500935 -1.782952
B34 6SP 34 0 52.499941 -1.780379
B34 6SR 16 0 52.499522 -1.782105
B34 6SS 20 1 52.499697 -1.779644
B34 6TA 14 0 52.496421 -1.782341
B34 6TB 8 0 52.495586 -1.782699
B34 6TD 10 0 52.495197 -1.781581
B34 6TE 11 0 52.496684 -1.783783
B34 6TF 28 0 52.49689 -1.783429
B34 6TG 14 0 52.496669 -1.785036
B34 6TH 15 0 52.495363 -1.78376
B34 6TJ 30 0 52.495488 -1.783318
B34 6TL 32 0 52.493885 -1.78203
B34 6TN 21 0 52.494828 -1.781451