all postcodes in B35 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B35 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B35 7LQ 79 1 52.516771 -1.785527
B35 7LR 26 0 52.519006 -1.783866
B35 7LS 25 0 52.518711 -1.784412
B35 7LT 24 0 52.518388 -1.785151
B35 7LU 22 0 52.51802 -1.785344
B35 7LW 53 0 52.515608 -1.783632
B35 7LX 40 0 52.517896 -1.786258
B35 7LZ 28 0 52.516166 -1.784115
B35 7NA 12 0 52.517474 -1.786482
B35 7NB 6 0 52.516954 -1.787398
B35 7ND 15 0 52.516952 -1.786396
B35 7NE 9 0 52.517382 -1.785347
B35 7NF 5 0 52.517758 -1.784358
B35 7NG 8 0 52.518035 -1.783694
B35 7NH 12 0 52.518587 -1.782312
B35 7NJ 36 0 52.518833 -1.782319
B35 7NL 10 2 52.519276 -1.780599
B35 7NN 21 0 52.519862 -1.779647
B35 7NR 23 1 52.520246 -1.778318
B35 7NS 17 0 52.520265 -1.779232