all postcodes in B35 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B35 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B35 7NT 33 0 52.520949 -1.779494
B35 7NU 6 0 52.519738 -1.780708
B35 7NW 11 0 52.516221 -1.784734
B35 7PA 11 0 52.52288 -1.778231
B35 7PB 4 0 52.523345 -1.778663
B35 7PD 25 0 52.522198 -1.779148
B35 7PE 28 0 52.521392 -1.780523
B35 7PF 16 0 52.522978 -1.777685
B35 7PG 36 0 52.521731 -1.779549
B35 7PH 33 0 52.521393 -1.781319
B35 7PT 9 0 52.520279 -1.78638
B35 7PU 6 0 52.519992 -1.787162
B35 7PX 26 1 52.518999 -1.789746
B35 7PY 7 0 52.518175 -1.791695
B35 7QA 18 0 52.517504 -1.793128
B35 7QD 9 0 52.514537 -1.793068
B35 7QE 5 0 52.514252 -1.79441
B35 7QG 24 0 52.515807 -1.794359
B35 7QH 20 0 52.515455 -1.793491
B35 7QJ 10 0 52.513823 -1.796107