all postcodes in B49 / ALCESTER

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B49 5LP 3 0 52.211581 -1.922447
B49 5LQ 11 0 52.222403 -1.918871
B49 5LR 2 0 52.201143 -1.905529
B49 5LS 7 0 52.218884 -1.936669
B49 5LT 1 0 52.211273 -1.934521
B49 5LU 13 0 52.210303 -1.945667
B49 5LW 5 0 52.211076 -1.920765
B49 5LX 10 0 52.183025 -1.919147
B49 5LY 2 0 52.208437 -1.920733
B49 5LZ 4 0 52.201078 -1.919773
B49 5NA 7 0 52.197275 -1.920219
B49 5NB 5 0 52.191752 -1.915606
B49 5ND 3 0 52.187706 -1.915716
B49 5NH 3 0 52.204664 -1.890844
B49 5NJ 4 2 52.199171 -1.895942
B49 5NL 1 1 52.202538 -1.881083
B49 5NN 4 0 52.187235 -1.899363
B49 5NP 3 0 52.192201 -1.883495
B49 5NT 14 1 52.181383 -1.900488
B49 5NU 8 0 52.180031 -1.895753