all postcodes in B49 / ALCESTER

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B49 5QF 4 52.229886 -1.880234
B49 5QG 6 52.231621 -1.875873
B49 5QJ 0 52.228925 -1.881042
B49 5QN 0 52.223949 -1.877088
B49 5QP 0 52.213736 -1.869081
B49 5QQ 1 52.232822 -1.880731
B49 5QR 1 52.214499 -1.868215
B49 5QT 0 52.215982 -1.867596
B49 5QU 0 52.215981 -1.866513
B49 5QW 0 52.22377 -1.878332
B49 5QX 3 52.216532 -1.86856
B49 5QY 0 52.216513 -1.86818
B49 5RA 0 52.214818 -1.867782
B49 5RB 0 52.214204 -1.868933
B49 5TQ 1 52.213989 -1.870221
B49 5WU 0 52.213989 -1.870221
B49 5AP 3 0 52.214529 -1.870791
B49 5DL 0 52.215834 -1.87168
B49 5DQ 26 0 52.2124 -1.872202
B49 5NR 1 1 52.192695 -1.882352