all postcodes in B49 / ALCESTER

find any address or company within the B49 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B49 5NW 6 0 52.183263 -1.90101
B49 5NX 22 1 52.179713 -1.902612
B49 5NY 17 2 52.175922 -1.902335
B49 5NZ 3 0 52.175872 -1.906605
B49 5PA 3 0 52.178812 -1.911433
B49 5PD 3 0 52.183576 -1.905917
B49 5PH 7 0 52.211337 -1.879098
B49 5PJ 28 2 52.207629 -1.883571
B49 5PN 11 0 52.207046 -1.885095
B49 5PP 4 1 52.206574 -1.88053
B49 5PR 0 52.21686 -1.88122
B49 5PS 0 52.218643 -1.884275
B49 5PT 0 52.219093 -1.894988
B49 5PU 0 52.223616 -1.895695
B49 5PW 0 52.206452 -1.884657
B49 5PX 0 52.214788 -1.877274
B49 5QA 1 52.223038 -1.878546
B49 5QB 0 52.227646 -1.879376
B49 5QD 2 52.227224 -1.879787
B49 5QE 0 52.228045 -1.882493