all postcodes in B70 / WEST BROMWICH

find any address or company within the B70 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B70 6ND 28 0 52.513009 -1.987903
B70 6NE 1 0 52.515041 -1.996258
B70 6NF 20 2 52.510096 -1.989009
B70 6NH 5 4 52.514034 -1.989141
B70 6NJ 1 1 52.51504 -1.98886
B70 6NL 16 0 52.510465 -1.99144
B70 6NP 14 0 52.512613 -1.989966
B70 6NR 50 0 52.510618 -1.990644
B70 6NS 34 0 52.51095 -1.989804
B70 6NT 1 1 52.514079 -1.988831
B70 6NU 2 2 52.513213 -1.988604
B70 6NW 28 1 52.511903 -1.990673
B70 6NY 20 10 52.51585 -1.98886
B70 6NZ 26 15 52.514966 -1.987351
B70 6PB 10 4 52.514033 -1.98581
B70 6PH 57 0 52.514429 -1.984086
B70 6PJ 20 2 52.513581 -1.98495
B70 6PL 62 0 52.513853 -1.983202
B70 6PN 23 0 52.513026 -1.981744
B70 6PP 23 2 52.512972 -1.983821