all postcodes in B70 / WEST BROMWICH

find any address or company within the B70 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B70 6RL 14 0 52.509798 -1.981097
B70 6RN 45 0 52.509547 -1.982467
B70 6RP 8 8 52.511503 -1.977038
B70 6RQ 33 0 52.508528 -1.98087
B70 6RR 2 1 52.512375 -1.97745
B70 6RS 1 1 52.513438 -1.976012
B70 6RU 24 0 52.509196 -1.981009
B70 6RW 16 0 52.509673 -1.981598
B70 6TA 8 0 52.515389 -1.976055
B70 6TB 29 0 52.514328 -1.975864
B70 6TD 18 0 52.515101 -1.974846
B70 6TE 9 0 52.51565 -1.975686
B70 6TF 15 0 52.515389 -1.974596
B70 6TG 17 0 52.516225 -1.974006
B70 6TH 15 0 52.517205 -1.973946
B70 6TJ 8 0 52.51503 -1.976571
B70 6TL 16 0 52.51654 -1.975361
B70 6TN 8 0 52.516711 -1.977248
B70 6TP 20 0 52.516064 -1.977233
B70 6TQ 19 0 52.516809 -1.973681