all postcodes in B70 / WEST BROMWICH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B70 6PR 43 0 52.513448 -1.982569
B70 6PX 9 2 52.512475 -1.982475
B70 6PY 35 1 52.512289 -1.980713
B70 6QB 9 0 52.512873 -1.980152
B70 6QD 1 0 52.513763 -1.981419
B70 6QE 23 6 52.513214 -1.979887
B70 6QG 34 3 52.511578 -1.980153
B70 6QJ 26 2 52.512205 -1.98327
B70 6QN 59 0 52.512819 -1.978325
B70 6QP 45 4 52.510338 -1.980684
B70 6QQ 4 0 52.511956 -1.982319
B70 6QS 14 0 52.511183 -1.982408
B70 6QU 8 0 52.513179 -1.980933
B70 6QW 26 0 52.513106 -1.978959
B70 6QX 17 1 52.508746 -1.978917
B70 6RB 6 6 52.510724 -1.978989
B70 6RD 1 1 52.509277 -1.978651
B70 6RG 21 0 52.5088 -1.980081
B70 6RH 3 1 52.511557 -1.978762
B70 6RJ 13 0 52.510356 -1.981539