all postcodes in B70 / WEST BROMWICH

find any address or company within the B70 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B70 7LN 27 0 52.510402 -1.993459
B70 7LP 10 0 52.509971 -1.995374
B70 7LR 47 0 52.510079 -1.99922
B70 7LS 39 0 52.509692 -1.998807
B70 7LT 33 0 52.509602 -1.995831
B70 7LW 11 0 52.509476 -1.993635
B70 7LX 12 9 52.518544 -1.99354
B70 7NG 29 6 52.5187 -1.99188
B70 7NH 1 1 52.518517 -1.990931
B70 7NJ 22 5 52.518169 -1.991321
B70 7NN 21 17 52.517582 -1.993186
B70 7NW 34 23 52.517124 -1.992818
B70 7NX 8 2 52.51813 -1.988485
B70 7NY 20 0 52.519248 -1.987106
B70 7NZ 10 0 52.5186 -1.987946
B70 7PA 3 0 52.519697 -1.987135
B70 7PB 4 0 52.519239 -1.987503
B70 7PE 8 1 52.518957 -1.988249
B70 7PF 7 0 52.519517 -1.98771
B70 7PH 3 0 52.520803 -1.987164