all postcodes in B70 / WEST BROMWICH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B70 7SS 26 0 52.510402 -1.998424
B70 7SW 25 0 52.510672 -1.997201
B70 7SX 44 0 52.514591 -1.999382
B70 7SY 10 0 52.51247 -1.997422
B70 7TN 7 6 52.507702 -2.002912
B70 7TP 11 11 52.507981 -2.005343
B70 7TW 9 7 52.508298 -2.004406
B70 7RG 44 0 52.514205 -1.998173
B70 7RF 11 0 52.51425 -1.998571
B70 7RB 23 0 52.514358 -1.998925
B70 7RA 17 0 52.514645 -1.998498
B70 7PG 1 1 52.51905 -1.992647
B70 7JR 1 52.507409 -1.997422
B70 7RQ 0 52.513863 -1.997289
B70 7QY 0 52.513872 -1.997554
B70 7AD 24 1 52.51638 -1.997893
B70 7DD 37 0 52.513297 -1.995683
B70 7DG 15 0 52.515365 -1.997451
B70 7DH 6 0 52.515652 -1.997436
B70 7DY 6 0 52.515392 -1.996935