all postcodes in B70 / WEST BROMWICH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B70 7PL 1 1 52.519769 -1.993103
B70 7PN 9 4 52.519149 -1.993826
B70 7PQ 1 1 52.51932 -1.993501
B70 7QB 1 1 52.518079 -1.993531
B70 7QG 12 11 52.518259 -1.993841
B70 7QS 12 12 52.517304 -1.99211
B70 7QU 6 5 52.516515 -1.991174
B70 7QX 3 2 52.516866 -1.990466
B70 7QZ 15 8 52.51772 -1.992087
B70 7RD 5 5 52.517357 -1.991344
B70 7RH 1 1 52.515041 -1.996258
B70 7RP 1 1 52.513816 -1.996885
B70 7RW 4 3 52.51558 -1.996022
B70 7SD 35 0 52.513672 -1.999641
B70 7SG 23 0 52.512413 -1.998241
B70 7SH 12 0 52.511894 -1.997879
B70 7SN 20 0 52.512182 -1.996656
B70 7SP 22 0 52.511598 -1.997378
B70 7SQ 2 1 52.511928 -1.998786
B70 7SR 20 0 52.511148 -1.998336