all postcodes in B7 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B7 5PD 24 0 52.501731 -1.864487
B7 5PE 16 0 52.502709 -1.863114
B7 5PF 12 1 52.503759 -1.861799
B7 5PG 35 1 52.503301 -1.861845
B7 5PH 37 2 52.501792 -1.863603
B7 5PR 17 3 52.49856 -1.867295
B7 5PS 13 0 52.498219 -1.867414
B7 5PX 12 0 52.498415 -1.86597
B7 5PY 4 4 52.500006 -1.865612
B7 5QD 5 0 52.499905 -1.863667
B7 5QG 6 0 52.500641 -1.862811
B7 5QH 44 0 52.501244 -1.863148
B7 5QL 9 5 52.50107 -1.860894
B7 5QP 9 0 52.501755 -1.862056
B7 5QR 14 0 52.50154 -1.862675
B7 5QS 21 2 52.50207 -1.862305
B7 5QT 8 5 52.502939 -1.859798
B7 5QU 7 4 52.502234 -1.86009
B7 5RA 40 0 52.497544 -1.867107
B7 5RD 49 21 52.497694 -1.864499