all postcodes in B7 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B7 5TR 7 4 52.504903 -1.859006
B7 5UA 33 0 52.497795 -1.866266
B7 5UB 11 0 52.49953 -1.865863
B7 5UD 12 0 52.499755 -1.866128
B7 5UH 5 0 52.497724 -1.866841
B7 5PJ 3 3 52.505374 -1.837721
B7 5SE 2 2 52.505976 -1.861227
B7 5QN 1 1 52.501786 -1.861373
B7 5AR 20 13 52.494658 -1.866806
B7 5TH 3 3 52.507472 -1.861684
B7 5AS 0 52.496421 -1.875639
B7 5LX 6 0 52.503345 -1.861064
B7 5GA 11 0 52.503605 -1.860872
B7 5SG 15 0 52.505316 -1.863268
B7 5JQ 6 0 52.50561 -1.86391
B7 5JJ 1 1 52.498794 -1.870737
B70 0AA 28 0 52.526951 -2.017187
B70 0AB 16 0 52.527401 -2.016966
B70 0AD 14 0 52.527257 -2.017998
B70 0AE 26 2 52.525746 -2.019221