all postcodes in B7 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B7 5RE 1 1 52.495457 -1.865699
B7 5RG 2 2 52.497598 -1.862079
B7 5RH 23 0 52.499851 -1.864139
B7 5RJ 5 0 52.498018 -1.86519
B7 5RL 13 0 52.498658 -1.86619
B7 5RR 18 0 52.498945 -1.865747
B7 5RS 36 0 52.498998 -1.864745
B7 5RT 2 1 52.499011 -1.863724
B7 5RX 11 1 52.499434 -1.861106
B7 5SA 24 17 52.505479 -1.85649
B7 5SB 2 1 52.502212 -1.856451
B7 5SH 48 0 52.504836 -1.86294
B7 5SN 18 1 52.504624 -1.863196
B7 5SP 7 0 52.504253 -1.861223
B7 5SR 11 0 52.504073 -1.860914
B7 5SW 6 0 52.504409 -1.863683
B7 5SY 6 4 52.505773 -1.862176
B7 5TE 9 3 52.505995 -1.86273
B7 5TJ 3 2 52.506351 -1.85934
B7 5TQ 1 1 52.506354 -1.859449