all postcodes in B97 / STUDLEY

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B97 6JR 32 0 52.311175 -1.957638
B97 6JS 37 0 52.310536 -1.95648
B97 6JT 27 0 52.309791 -1.960822
B97 6JU 18 0 52.309369 -1.959943
B97 6JW 18 0 52.310375 -1.959296
B97 6JX 22 0 52.309612 -1.962671
B97 6JY 45 0 52.3114 -1.958327
B97 6JZ 50 0 52.31034 -1.960807
B97 6LB 1 0 52.308175 -1.967747
B97 6LD 43 0 52.307879 -1.970592
B97 6LL 12 0 52.307419 -1.964564
B97 6LN 12 0 52.307024 -1.964638
B97 6LP 12 0 52.306628 -1.964506
B97 6LQ 6 0 52.305828 -1.965328
B97 6LR 12 0 52.306664 -1.965064
B97 6LS 12 0 52.306305 -1.964947
B97 6LT 12 0 52.306259 -1.964433
B97 6LU 12 0 52.306395 -1.965651
B97 6LW 12 0 52.306736 -1.963773
B97 6LX 12 0 52.306476 -1.966281