all postcodes in B97 / STUDLEY

find any address or company within the B97 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B97 6PA 40 0 52.30448 -1.965095
B97 6PB 37 2 52.30553 -1.961295
B97 6PD 9 3 52.307671 -1.963405
B97 6PE 12 0 52.305703 -1.967074
B97 6PF 12 0 52.305379 -1.966663
B97 6PG 55 1 52.30776 -1.962203
B97 6PH 33 1 52.306941 -1.959637
B97 6PJ 40 0 52.306312 -1.960576
B97 6PN 10 0 52.301767 -1.972943
B97 6PQ 33 1 52.308174 -1.963361
B97 6PT 2 0 52.302087 -1.973199
B97 6PU 8 0 52.303583 -1.975904
B97 6PW 30 0 52.301218 -1.97287
B97 6PX 10 7 52.305073 -1.978975
B97 6PY 84 0 52.302019 -1.975626
B97 6PZ 21 0 52.31161 -1.969607
B97 6QB 8 0 52.312012 -1.96214
B97 6QD 1 0 52.311032 -1.97337
B97 6QE 9 0 52.318986 -1.997725
B97 6QF 62 0 52.320173 -1.999075