all postcodes in B97 / STUDLEY

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B97 6QJ 12 4 52.317502 -1.996273
B97 6QH 11 0 52.30938 -1.982596
B97 6QL 2 1 52.318227 -1.999391
B97 6QP 10 3 52.313752 -1.98071
B97 6QR 1 0 52.32482 -1.998503
B97 6QS 1 1 52.324784 -1.986589
B97 6QW 20 7 52.317799 -1.996816
B97 6QX 14 0 52.314159 -1.956946
B97 6RA 3 0 52.317811 -1.963118
B97 6RB 14 4 52.321803 -1.973921
B97 6RF 3 3 52.313007 -1.939028
B97 6RG 25 11 52.322865 -1.950312
B97 6RH 30 1 52.326056 -1.942452
B97 6RJ 29 0 52.326703 -1.941982
B97 6RL 36 0 52.330041 -1.947847
B97 6RP 1 0 52.331866 -1.946876
B97 6RQ 5 1 52.322332 -1.959241
B97 6RR 4 2 52.317411 -1.937951
B97 6RZ 1 0 52.3119 -1.937607
B97 6SA 44 0 52.309442 -1.963932