all postcodes in BB5 / ACCRINGTON

find any address or company within the BB5 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB5 5TA 23 1 53.77781 -2.390115
BB5 5TB 9 0 53.777271 -2.390034
BB5 5TD 30 0 53.783315 -2.383413
BB5 5TE 2 0 53.783589 -2.383491
BB5 5TF 36 0 53.784222 -2.383618
BB5 5TG 35 0 53.778207 -2.389648
BB5 5TH 32 0 53.78026 -2.388545
BB5 5TJ 10 0 53.779748 -2.3886
BB5 5TL 44 0 53.781042 -2.388552
BB5 5TN 16 0 53.782465 -2.384938
BB5 5TQ 40 0 53.778887 -2.387955
BB5 5TR 3 0 53.773242 -2.375613
BB5 5TS 20 0 53.774919 -2.375021
BB5 5TU 17 16 53.788697 -2.353469
BB5 5TW 18 4 53.773337 -2.378133
BB5 5TX 11 11 53.776866 -2.370547
BB5 5TY 1 0 53.780743 -2.372478
BB5 5TZ 2 0 53.779091 -2.364648
BB5 5UA 10 0 53.784822 -2.361101
BB5 5UB 3 1 53.782379 -2.366422