all postcodes in BD17 / SHIPLEY

find any address or company within the BD17 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD17 7NE 7 1 53.843839 -1.780316
BD17 7NF 7 0 53.844163 -1.780224
BD17 7NG 9 0 53.843874 -1.779951
BD17 7NH 7 0 53.843436 -1.776215
BD17 7NJ 5 0 53.844342 -1.779843
BD17 7NL 10 0 53.844403 -1.779234
BD17 7NN 3 1 53.844502 -1.778991
BD17 7NP 7 0 53.842905 -1.775686
BD17 7NR 7 1 53.842683 -1.777161
BD17 7NS 45 0 53.84311 -1.774986
BD17 7NT 20 0 53.842179 -1.776662
BD17 7NU 13 0 53.842283 -1.775066
BD17 7NW 6 6 53.844707 -1.77823
BD17 7NX 12 0 53.842552 -1.774305
BD17 7NY 11 0 53.855855 -1.748009
BD17 7NZ 5 0 53.8561 -1.748904
BD17 7PA 38 0 53.843855 -1.774176
BD17 7PB 12 0 53.843342 -1.773921
BD17 7PD 12 0 53.843546 -1.772491
BD17 7PE 12 0 53.842981 -1.772965