all postcodes in BD17 / SHIPLEY

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD17 7QS 3 0 53.862514 -1.72659
BD17 7QT 4 0 53.859603 -1.723249
BD17 7QU 1 1 53.852887 -1.714795
BD17 7QW 5 1 53.860026 -1.735334
BD17 7QX 7 0 53.853869 -1.712052
BD17 7QY 5 0 53.860229 -1.737902
BD17 7QZ 25 3 53.858328 -1.724048
BD17 7RA 18 0 53.857503 -1.724768
BD17 7RB 1 0 53.858898 -1.725534
BD17 7RD 4 0 53.858241 -1.725067
BD17 7RE 7 0 53.857717 -1.727944
BD17 7RF 2 0 53.85771 -1.730274
BD17 7RG 6 0 53.857836 -1.728719
BD17 7RJ 21 1 53.8533 -1.738188
BD17 7RL 1 0 53.852834 -1.742843
BD17 7RN 9 0 53.852531 -1.744486
BD17 7RQ 2 1 53.856419 -1.731802
BD17 7RW 4 0 53.849425 -1.746299
BD17 7SA 1 0 53.802636 -1.755843
BD17 7SE 3 2 53.835711 -1.773779