all postcodes in BD17 / SHIPLEY

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD17 7PH 12 0 53.842261 -1.772543
BD17 7PJ 4 0 53.841402 -1.776639
BD17 7PL 22 0 53.840857 -1.776593
BD17 7PP 48 0 53.84122 -1.778126
BD17 7PQ 62 0 53.841797 -1.774582
BD17 7PR 10 0 53.843396 -1.783723
BD17 7PS 6 0 53.843981 -1.779525
BD17 7PU 6 3 53.849939 -1.7482
BD17 7PY 1 1 53.846229 -1.752018
BD17 7QA 2 2 53.853172 -1.743057
BD17 7QB 3 3 53.853009 -1.745244
BD17 7QD 37 26 53.856769 -1.743947
BD17 7QG 23 0 53.85276 -1.746188
BD17 7QH 1 0 53.854485 -1.745843
BD17 7QJ 13 0 53.85395 -1.747838
BD17 7QL 2 0 53.855966 -1.750732
BD17 7QN 9 6 53.855435 -1.740486
BD17 7QP 1 0 53.862338 -1.732263
BD17 7QQ 7 0 53.854451 -1.746831
BD17 7QR 11 0 53.861209 -1.73002