all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 3HW 1 1 53.869547 -1.906314
BD21 3HY 57 0 53.871018 -1.903072
BD21 3JD 7 5 53.869405 -1.908809
BD21 3JE 7 0 53.869179 -1.907501
BD21 3JG 1 1 53.869134 -1.907091
BD21 3JJ 19 0 53.87296 -1.903417
BD21 3JL 23 1 53.872555 -1.902673
BD21 3JN 1 1 53.873416 -1.901059
BD21 3JP 13 0 53.87322 -1.902823
BD21 3JQ 1 1 53.870209 -1.906772
BD21 3JR 3 0 53.87305 -1.903797
BD21 3JS 25 0 53.873319 -1.903249
BD21 3JT 1 0 53.873603 -1.903571
BD21 3JU 18 0 53.872932 -1.902368
BD21 3JW 1 0 53.873212 -1.90369
BD21 3JX 7 2 53.873285 -1.904953
BD21 3JY 4 0 53.87367 -1.903841
BD21 3LA 9 8 53.871672 -1.905005
BD21 3LB 1 1 53.873886 -1.904023
BD21 3LD 4 0 53.873474 -1.905241