all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 3LE 7 2 53.873599 -1.905104
BD21 3LG 7 7 53.876476 -1.905706
BD21 3LH 6 0 53.873734 -1.904145
BD21 3LJ 5 0 53.873679 -1.903948
BD21 3LL 14 0 53.873508 -1.903157
BD21 3LP 23 0 53.874038 -1.90238
BD21 3LR 16 0 53.873866 -1.901833
BD21 3LS 9 0 53.87384 -1.902746
BD21 3LT 9 0 53.873939 -1.903172
BD21 3LU 11 0 53.874272 -1.90311
BD21 3LW 17 0 53.873274 -1.902154
BD21 3LX 6 0 53.874478 -1.902395
BD21 3LY 23 0 53.874227 -1.902487
BD21 3LZ 6 0 53.874082 -1.901605
BD21 3NA 8 0 53.874325 -1.901543
BD21 3NB 4 4 53.874919 -1.903215
BD21 3ND 8 7 53.874935 -1.900492
BD21 3NJ 10 9 53.874265 -1.906015
BD21 3NN 4 2 53.867922 -1.908417
BD21 3NR 5 5 53.867796 -1.908143