all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 3NU 1 1 53.866564 -1.908252
BD21 3NW 1 1 53.867796 -1.908417
BD21 3PA 1 1 53.867563 -1.908935
BD21 3PB 3 3 53.867338 -1.909163
BD21 3PE 5 5 53.867014 -1.908495
BD21 3PF 20 17 53.86652 -1.9088
BD21 3PH 4 4 53.866556 -1.908359
BD21 3PJ 23 5 53.865927 -1.909075
BD21 3PN 5 4 53.865738 -1.90871
BD21 3PP 6 6 53.865922 -1.908181
BD21 3PQ 1 1 53.865306 -1.907464
BD21 3PT 5 5 53.86571 -1.907418
BD21 3PW 1 1 53.86572 -1.908634
BD21 3PX 9 7 53.86634 -1.90801
BD21 3PY 13 11 53.866861 -1.907932
BD21 3QA 5 4 53.866735 -1.908267
BD21 3QB 10 5 53.866919 -1.907023
BD21 3QD 4 4 53.867058 -1.907293
BD21 3QE 10 8 53.86757 -1.907277
BD21 3QG 1 1 53.865962 -1.908406