all postcodes in BH15 / POOLE

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH15 2LB 48 0 50.724559 -1.973328
BH15 2LD 69 1 50.724605 -1.975524
BH15 2LE 32 0 50.723922 -1.977097
BH15 2LG 4 0 50.722374 -1.974278
BH15 2LH 31 0 50.723723 -1.972875
BH15 2LJ 31 1 50.725638 -1.970862
BH15 2LL 34 0 50.725223 -1.970742
BH15 2LN 49 0 50.724819 -1.969545
BH15 2LP 33 2 50.723795 -1.973909
BH15 2LQ 12 0 50.723094 -1.973683
BH15 2LR 32 0 50.723992 -1.9758
BH15 2LS 27 0 50.724335 -1.975906
BH15 2LT 43 0 50.722438 -1.977197
BH15 2LU 1 0 50.723086 -1.978287
BH15 2LW 10 0 50.723066 -1.972989
BH15 2LX 7 0 50.721422 -1.976361
BH15 2LY 40 0 50.722941 -1.9767
BH15 2LZ 12 0 50.723247 -1.974363
BH15 2NA 42 2 50.723517 -1.975128
BH15 2NB 36 0 50.723382 -1.975836