all postcodes in BH15 / POOLE

find any address or company within the BH15 postcode district

Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH15 2ND 1 0 50.722447 -1.976205
BH15 2NE 20 0 50.720906 -1.970192
BH15 2NG 1 0 50.720612 -1.97333
BH15 2NL 1 1 50.719911 -1.97741
BH15 2NN 13 7 50.720143 -1.975845
BH15 2NS 1 1 50.722065 -1.960934
BH15 2NT 1 1 50.721898 -1.976389
BH15 2NX 55 0 50.721348 -1.968414
BH15 2NY 48 0 50.721052 -1.971021
BH15 2NZ 27 1 50.722147 -1.965892
BH15 2PA 12 0 50.722902 -1.96439
BH15 2PB 23 12 50.723109 -1.963185
BH15 2PG 54 16 50.719722 -1.975441
BH15 2PD 10 0 50.72132 -1.96653
BH15 2PQ 1 1 50.719515 -1.977665
BH15 2PR 1 1 50.719533 -1.977991
BH15 2PU 2 2 50.719785 -1.97496
BH15 2QA 32 0 50.72221 -1.964419
BH15 2QD 11 0 50.722742 -1.970524
BH15 2QE 81 1 50.721527 -1.966162