all postcodes in BH15 / POOLE

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH15 2QF 18 0 50.722489 -1.966189
BH15 2QG 34 0 50.723038 -1.965863
BH15 2QH 34 0 50.721553 -1.967769
BH15 2QJ 16 1 50.723281 -1.969546
BH15 2QL 27 0 50.723478 -1.966628
BH15 2QN 23 0 50.723667 -1.967152
BH15 2QP 11 0 50.722381 -1.969695
BH15 2QQ 1 0 50.721797 -1.968541
BH15 2QS 25 0 50.724063 -1.968115
BH15 2QT 36 2 50.7238 -1.964665
BH15 2QU 15 1 50.724773 -1.966244
BH15 2QW 18 0 50.722021 -1.96954
BH15 2QX 4 0 50.723936 -1.963525
BH15 2QZ 12 0 50.724827 -1.965337
BH15 2RD 1 1 50.72228 -1.960027
BH15 2RG 1 1 50.71556 -1.985656
BH15 2RH 1 1 50.71556 -1.985656
BH15 2RJ 1 1 50.722164 -1.960835
BH15 2RP 1 1 50.72228 -1.960027
BH15 2RS 1 1 50.722065 -1.960934