all postcodes in BH1 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH1 2AL 31 6 50.719837 -1.876429
BH1 2AQ 1 1 50.719671 -1.879257
BH1 2BA 1 1 50.719614 -1.876169
BH1 2BN 1 1 50.718848 -1.874613
BH1 2BS 1 1 50.718226 -1.873156
BH1 2BU 1 1 50.717535 -1.875155
BH1 2BY 56 14 50.719335 -1.875886
BH1 2BZ 19 13 50.718551 -1.874373
BH1 2DE 6 6 50.719171 -1.873875
BH1 2EE 31 4 50.719883 -1.875248
BH1 2EF 13 13 50.719125 -1.873507
BH1 2EG 1 0 50.718918 -1.873196
BH1 2EN 6 6 50.719513 -1.874469
BH1 2EP 1 1 50.719015 -1.871142
BH1 2ES 11 0 50.71932 -1.870985
BH1 2ET 2 0 50.718188 -1.871753
BH1 2EU 1 1 50.71995 -1.871338
BH1 2EW 1 1 50.717533 -1.872605
BH1 2EZ 1 1 50.716455 -1.87401
BH1 2HH 14 0 50.720125 -1.874879