all postcodes in BH1 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH1 2HL 34 0 50.720122 -1.871989
BH1 2HP 20 0 50.719194 -1.872153
BH1 2HR 12 0 50.719194 -1.872153
BH1 2HS 17 0 50.719466 -1.872529
BH1 2HT 20 0 50.719466 -1.872529
BH1 2HU 14 0 50.719466 -1.872529
BH1 2HW 17 0 50.719194 -1.872153
BH1 2HZ 21 14 50.721337 -1.875632
BH1 2JA 4 2 50.721841 -1.873712
BH1 2JE 1 1 50.721968 -1.874165
BH1 2JG 2 2 50.721516 -1.874796
BH1 2JJ 13 3 50.721815 -1.874322
BH1 2JN 3 3 50.721626 -1.874563
BH1 2JU 65 1 50.721193 -1.872638
BH1 2JZ 24 1 50.721175 -1.874981
BH1 2LA 8 0 50.720816 -1.873375
BH1 2LB 4 0 50.720299 -1.871569
BH1 2LD 4 0 50.720353 -1.871342
BH1 2LE 1 0 50.721394 -1.87547
BH1 2LH 55 0 50.720303 -1.87281