all postcodes in BH2 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH2 5JB 36 0 50.71563 -1.884961
BH2 5JG 8 0 50.718548 -1.889105
BH2 5JH 3 3 50.717027 -1.888188
BH2 5JL 3 3 50.71815 -1.887151
BH2 5JP 33 0 50.719826 -1.890957
BH2 5JQ 4 3 50.718079 -1.887944
BH2 5JR 16 0 50.719439 -1.890505
BH2 5JS 1 1 50.718792 -1.890492
BH2 5JT 21 0 50.717371 -1.890127
BH2 5JU 15 1 50.718851 -1.889619
BH2 5JW 1 1 50.717691 -1.886302
BH2 5JZ 1 0 50.71808 -1.889389
BH2 5LA 34 0 50.716857 -1.889519
BH2 5LB 4 3 50.717549 -1.888909
BH2 5LD 21 0 50.717211 -1.892097
BH2 5LE 1 1 50.718322 -1.88868
BH2 5LF 1 1 50.718052 -1.888454
BH2 5LG 27 0 50.717263 -1.890963
BH2 5BN 14 0 50.716652 -1.891135
BH2 5LH 8 2 50.718673 -1.888821