all postcodes in BH2 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH2 5NX 12 1 50.71939 -1.886227
BH2 5PF 22 1 50.719437 -1.887771
BH2 5PG 57 3 50.718849 -1.886786
BH2 5PH 52 4 50.717165 -1.884425
BH2 5PN 43 0 50.718679 -1.88579
BH2 5PQ 22 1 50.718022 -1.885296
BH2 5PS 53 22 50.719904 -1.887232
BH2 5PW 46 7 50.719506 -1.887323
BH2 5QG 3 0 50.720865 -1.886195
BH2 5QJ 5 4 50.719744 -1.889229
BH2 5QL 1 1 50.719816 -1.889456
BH2 5QR 37 6 50.72043 -1.892613
BH2 5QT 1 1 50.719555 -1.889655
BH2 5QU 63 2 50.721096 -1.892725
BH2 5QY 8 8 50.720455 -1.889582
BH2 5QZ 83 2 50.720389 -1.886933
BH2 5RA 74 2 50.720209 -1.887188
BH2 5RG 3 3 50.720558 -1.884439
BH2 5RH 16 10 50.720446 -1.883029
BH2 5RJ 1 0 50.720827 -1.884141