all postcodes in BH2 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH2 5LJ 22 0 50.716337 -1.891022
BH2 5LL 20 0 50.717612 -1.891832
BH2 5LP 10 10 50.720336 -1.881372
BH2 5LQ 27 0 50.718055 -1.891585
BH2 5LR 16 12 50.720008 -1.883095
BH2 5LS 16 0 50.720431 -1.883533
BH2 5LT 13 5 50.719578 -1.885008
BH2 5LU 25 12 50.719579 -1.88583
BH2 5LW 24 0 50.71677 -1.892622
BH2 5LX 42 5 50.719337 -1.88678
BH2 5LY 1 1 50.719924 -1.880772
BH2 5NA 13 0 50.719435 -1.885618
BH2 5NF 1 1 50.718959 -1.887036
BH2 5NJ 62 0 50.719629 -1.881722
BH2 5NL 1 1 50.72023 -1.881111
BH2 5NN 22 0 50.719468 -1.883111
BH2 5NR 61 2 50.719334 -1.883961
BH2 5NS 21 1 50.718713 -1.883495
BH2 5NT 30 5 50.717652 -1.883129
BH2 5NW 23 1 50.719216 -1.882715