all postcodes in BH9 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH9 1SE 9 50.748819 -1.865773
BH9 1SH 0 50.74812 -1.867264
BH9 1SJ 0 50.747274 -1.8666
BH9 1SL 0 50.748102 -1.867802
BH9 1SN 0 50.749371 -1.868649
BH9 1SP 0 50.750136 -1.869157
BH9 1SR 0 50.750361 -1.869412
BH9 1SS 0 50.749148 -1.870308
BH9 1ST 0 50.749323 -1.874277
BH9 1SU 0 50.749466 -1.873015
BH9 1SW 0 50.75018 -1.867952
BH9 1SX 0 50.749069 -1.871683
BH9 1SY 0 50.750641 -1.870148
BH9 1SZ 0 50.750543 -1.870843
BH9 1TA 0 50.749603 -1.875027
BH9 1TB 0 50.750296 -1.875195
BH9 1TE 0 50.750752 -1.874505
BH9 1TF 2 50.751625 -1.874044
BH9 1TG 0 50.752073 -1.873368
BH9 1TH 0 50.750661 -1.871977