all postcodes in BH9 / BOURNEMOUTH

find any address or company within the BH9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH9 1NS 0 50.744163 -1.866892
BH9 1NT 0 50.744891 -1.867244
BH9 1NU 0 50.745627 -1.867616
BH9 1NW 1 50.747219 -1.87414
BH9 1PA 2 50.747285 -1.87655
BH9 1PB 3 50.747031 -1.876102
BH9 1PG 0 50.74831 -1.87676
BH9 1PH 1 50.747811 -1.874173
BH9 1PJ 0 50.748325 -1.875305
BH9 1PL 2 50.747937 -1.873033
BH9 1PN 0 50.747369 -1.871008
BH9 1PP 0 50.74856 -1.875242
BH9 1PQ 1 50.747823 -1.875174
BH9 1PR 0 50.748243 -1.872734
BH9 1PS 0 50.748025 -1.870722
BH9 1PT 1 50.748938 -1.875326
BH9 1PU 0 50.748621 -1.873201
BH9 1PW 2 50.748641 -1.875512
BH9 1PX 0 50.748537 -1.870579
BH9 1PY 0 50.748879 -1.870989