all postcodes in BH9 / BOURNEMOUTH

find any address or company within the BH9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH9 1LR 0 50.744919 -1.86801
BH9 1LT 2 50.745719 -1.876129
BH9 1LU 0 50.744788 -1.871086
BH9 1LW 0 50.744737 -1.874232
BH9 1LX 0 50.744704 -1.868393
BH9 1LY 0 50.74434 -1.865007
BH9 1LZ 0 50.746116 -1.876709
BH9 1NA 0 50.745943 -1.875264
BH9 1NB 0 50.745346 -1.871949
BH9 1ND 0 50.744628 -1.865332
BH9 1NE 0 50.745895 -1.871905
BH9 1NF 2 50.745493 -1.868255
BH9 1NG 0 50.745285 -1.865557
BH9 1NH 0 50.74543 -1.87457
BH9 1NJ 0 50.745969 -1.874484
BH9 1NL 0 50.74649 -1.87366
BH9 1NN 0 50.74756 -1.873615
BH9 1NP 0 50.746905 -1.874722
BH9 1NQ 1 50.746264 -1.872102
BH9 1NR 0 50.746168 -1.875093