all postcodes in BL0 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL0 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL0 9SY 31 0 53.628198 -2.335099
BL0 9SZ 28 0 53.627447 -2.330693
BL0 9TA 25 2 53.628301 -2.330655
BL0 9TB 19 0 53.630456 -2.331276
BL0 9TD 16 3 53.631474 -2.333643
BL0 9TE 8 0 53.629467 -2.331511
BL0 9TF 21 0 53.629675 -2.330771
BL0 9TG 13 0 53.627856 -2.331435
BL0 9TH 4 0 53.632269 -2.335328
BL0 9TJ 3 0 53.650194 -2.317982
BL0 9TL 8 0 53.629967 -2.329518
BL0 9TN 5 1 53.629515 -2.330377
BL0 9TP 7 0 53.630371 -2.329401
BL0 9TQ 21 0 53.635669 -2.324784
BL0 9TR 8 0 53.630608 -2.32851
BL0 9TS 19 0 53.629711 -2.327808
BL0 9TT 14 0 53.629547 -2.325175
BL0 9TU 5 0 53.630531 -2.326907
BL0 9TW 1 0 53.629731 -2.330061
BL0 9TX 13 0 53.631051 -2.32741