all postcodes in BL9 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL9 5AN 17 0 53.599607 -2.290176
BL9 5AQ 3 3 53.597616 -2.291142
BL9 5AR 66 1 53.600008 -2.291569
BL9 5AS 67 0 53.600547 -2.291648
BL9 5AT 47 0 53.600844 -2.291861
BL9 5AU 28 0 53.601329 -2.291638
BL9 5AW 47 0 53.599505 -2.291505
BL9 5AX 1 1 53.601304 -2.291124
BL9 5AY 31 3 53.601375 -2.290412
BL9 5AZ 39 1 53.601697 -2.292154
BL9 5BA 15 1 53.600832 -2.293025
BL9 5BB 28 2 53.599654 -2.292941
BL9 5BE 22 2 53.601551 -2.295763
BL9 5BQ 8 5 53.599599 -2.296157
BL9 5BJ 10 10 53.600817 -2.294639
BL9 5BL 1 1 53.600956 -2.29357
BL9 5BP 1 0 53.599238 -2.293404
BL9 5BR 3 3 53.598855 -2.295366
BL9 5BG 6 5 53.599514 -2.295162
BL9 5BS 1 1 53.599198 -2.295794