all postcodes in BL9 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL9 0UH 36 0 53.589085 -2.299757
BL9 0YB 1 1 53.593946 -2.296253
BL9 0HG 1 1 53.591026 -2.303593
BL9 0DY 1 1 53.588086 -2.296638
BL9 0DQ 1 1 53.593167 -2.299332
BL9 0BB 3 53.591142 -2.292109
BL9 0AT 1 1 53.587477 -2.296075
BL9 0AQ 1 1 53.590831 -2.299089
BL9 0AL 4 4 53.591886 -2.303778
BL9 0NJ 4 3 53.59553 -2.288591
BL9 0BJ 1 1 53.590975 -2.295268
BL9 0JN 26 53.594926 -2.292136
BL9 0JL 9 53.595193 -2.290795
BL9 0JS 4 53.594455 -2.291137
BL9 0JY 1 53.59497 -2.289887
BL9 0JX 6 53.594352 -2.291709
BL9 0JQ 28 0 53.594186 -2.290849
BL9 0PD 29 0 53.594927 -2.292969
BL9 0PZ 57 0 53.594988 -2.292861
BL9 0QU 81 0 53.595288 -2.29214