all postcodes in BL9 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL9 0QW 60 0 53.595055 -2.292063
BL9 0QY 68 0 53.595227 -2.291354
BL9 0NP 86 0 53.595723 -2.290904
BL9 0NN 5 1 53.595198 -2.291246
BL9 0RD 1 1 53.596027 -2.302269
BL9 0SN 4 4 53.59031 -2.29898
BL9 0EJ 3 53.589877 -2.298657
BL9 0PJ 3 53.595033 -2.292771
BL9 0EL 1 53.590266 -2.298557
BL9 0AP 2 53.596833 -2.303257
BL9 0DS 1 53.587618 -2.296088
BL9 0ES 1 1 53.598162 -2.300486
BL9 0AS 3 1 53.593118 -2.296701
BL9 0PN 1 1 53.594347 -2.293794
BL9 5AA 1 1 53.600267 -2.29527
BL9 5AB 1 1 53.598477 -2.292767
BL9 5AE 21 5 53.598098 -2.289969
BL9 5AF 10 2 53.597957 -2.291733
BL9 5AG 1 1 53.597792 -2.290057
BL9 5AL 23 2 53.599018 -2.291197