all postcodes in BN16 / LITTLEHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN16 1SH 0 50.802925 -0.462094
BN16 1SJ 0 50.803313 -0.464877
BN16 1SN 0 50.803677 -0.469345
BN16 1SQ 0 50.802863 -0.460104
BN16 1SR 0 50.809927 -0.479616
BN16 1ST 0 50.810677 -0.485454
BN16 1SW 0 50.80392 -0.4728
BN16 1SY 1 50.820402 -0.509444
BN16 1TE 0 50.805259 -0.481002
BN16 1TG 0 50.816006 -0.486502
BN16 1TH 0 50.816252 -0.484677
BN16 1TJ 0 50.815756 -0.485999
BN16 1TL 0 50.804776 -0.480464
BN16 1UA 0 50.806425 -0.480751
BN16 1XQ 1 1 50.820402 -0.509444
BN16 1GJ 3 0 50.81037 -0.48122
BN16 1FB 6 0 50.814885 -0.487489
BN16 1FD 6 0 50.814918 -0.487233
BN16 1FE 21 0 50.806791 -0.480555
BN16 1FG 8 0 50.806683 -0.479125