all postcodes in BN16 / LITTLEHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN16 1LU 0 50.807607 -0.482445
BN16 1LW 0 50.808246 -0.480423
BN16 1LX 0 50.804515 -0.482559
BN16 1LY 0 50.806593 -0.481881
BN16 1LZ 0 50.805559 -0.482639
BN16 1NA 0 50.803589 -0.482589
BN16 1NB 0 50.804392 -0.484181
BN16 1ND 0 50.805415 -0.483339
BN16 1NE 0 50.806905 -0.483787
BN16 1NF 0 50.808188 -0.483561
BN16 1NG 0 50.80933 -0.484234
BN16 1NH 0 50.808567 -0.48362
BN16 1NL 0 50.808035 -0.479408
BN16 1NN 10 50.805117 -0.48183
BN16 1NP 1 50.806263 -0.481438
BN16 1NQ 0 50.810293 -0.486389
BN16 1NS 5 50.805259 -0.481002
BN16 1NT 0 50.805209 -0.481288
BN16 1NX 7 50.805036 -0.481113
BN16 1NY 0 50.80398 -0.480164