all postcodes in BN16 / LITTLEHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN16 1EQ 6 0 50.812693 -0.477979
BN16 1ER 12 0 50.814731 -0.479105
BN16 1ES 15 1 50.813759 -0.479704
BN16 1ET 38 0 50.812865 -0.478782
BN16 1EU 30 0 50.813588 -0.478347
BN16 1EW 38 0 50.815444 -0.477932
BN16 1EX 30 0 50.814095 -0.478629
BN16 1EY 7 0 50.812387 -0.479995
BN16 1EZ 7 3 50.812058 -0.480966
BN16 1HA 1 0 50.811294 -0.481019
BN16 1HB 20 5 50.811381 -0.480151
BN16 1HD 16 0 50.811794 -0.477327
BN16 1HE 19 0 50.812118 -0.478679
BN16 1HF 8 0 50.812435 -0.476823
BN16 1HG 5 0 50.811716 -0.475441
BN16 1HH 5 0 50.812206 -0.475837
BN16 1HJ 13 0 50.811803 -0.473891
BN16 1HL 0 50.811991 -0.471756
BN16 1HN 0 50.812666 -0.47453
BN16 1HP 0 50.810324 -0.48186