all postcodes in BN9 / NEWHAVEN

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN9 0DH 16 14 50.800172 0.055562
BN9 0DJ 10 8 50.798357 0.057753
BN9 0DN 7 0 50.801998 0.0599
BN9 0DP 2 2 50.801087 0.05722
BN9 0DQ 17 14 50.798871 0.0541
BN9 0DS 2 1 50.800755 0.057645
BN9 0DU 15 13 50.799949 0.058802
BN9 0ED 1 1 50.799778 0.057262
BN9 0EE 7 0 50.794046 0.070873
BN9 0EF 6 0 50.791385 0.072076
BN9 0EH 15 11 50.798431 0.05584
BN9 0ES 4 4 50.799147 0.054481
BN9 0EX 9 8 50.800533 0.053705
BN9 0HE 31 11 50.802204 0.052018
BN9 0HG 12 0 50.80433 0.053601
BN9 0HH 16 0 50.805149 0.05412
BN9 0HJ 12 0 50.806941 0.055007
BN9 0HL 2 0 50.807503 0.055486
BN9 0HN 7 2 50.809839 0.056895
BN9 0HQ 5 0 50.804722 0.053817