all postcodes in BN9 / NEWHAVEN

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN9 0HS 8 8 50.811077 0.055785
BN9 0HT 2 0 50.810239 0.053335
BN9 0HU 4 0 50.810555 0.053051
BN9 0JA 2 0 50.814689 0.048292
BN9 0JD 6 0 50.815581 0.045662
BN9 0JE 3 0 50.820794 0.033282
BN9 0JF 1 1 50.790774 0.057349
BN9 0JH 12 0 50.807379 0.057709
BN9 0JJ 18 1 50.806504 0.057827
BN9 0JL 8 0 50.805955 0.057349
BN9 0JN 16 0 50.805707 0.056642
BN9 0JP 6 0 50.8058 0.057981
BN9 0JR 12 0 50.804682 0.056612
BN9 0JT 8 0 50.805174 0.060352
BN9 0JU 1 0 50.805497 0.061402
BN9 0JY 18 0 50.805084 0.057296
BN9 0JZ 15 0 50.80545 0.058448
BN9 0LA 1 1 50.795388 0.057807
BN9 0LP 7 0 50.798632 0.065116
BN9 0LR 17 0 50.798985 0.06472