all postcodes in BN9 / NEWHAVEN

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN9 0NU 1 0 50.801288 0.071549
BN9 0NX 14 0 50.800844 0.069698
BN9 0NY 17 0 50.80227 0.066866
BN9 0NZ 5 0 50.801473 0.068222
BN9 0PA 2 0 50.802367 0.068729
BN9 0PB 7 0 50.802914 0.06556
BN9 0PG 17 0 50.804037 0.054412
BN9 0PH 41 0 50.803564 0.054235
BN9 0PJ 5 5 50.799862 0.063198
BN9 0PL 5 0 50.799862 0.063198
BN9 0PN 29 0 50.800658 0.061402
BN9 0PP 5 0 50.802432 0.056215
BN9 0PQ 5 0 50.803295 0.05418
BN9 0PR 10 1 50.803043 0.05468
BN9 0PS 70 0 50.803006 0.056793
BN9 0PT 9 0 50.802459 0.059778
BN9 0PU 11 0 50.802999 0.060753
BN9 0PW 34 0 50.804586 0.057445
BN9 0PX 12 0 50.803141 0.059865
BN9 0PY 10 0 50.803289 0.060609