all postcodes in BR1 / BROMLEY

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR1 2SQ 3 3 51.402163 0.030693
BR1 2SR 35 12 51.400866 0.033411
BR1 2SS 40 0 51.401022 0.033737
BR1 2ST 9 0 51.406592 0.03512
BR1 2SU 1 0 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 2SW 19 0 51.401965 0.034325
BR1 2SX 5 0 51.409642 0.042258
BR1 2SY 6 0 51.410071 0.040854
BR1 2SZ 5 0 51.40987 0.043088
BR1 2TA 8 0 51.410407 0.042753
BR1 2TB 4 0 51.403977 0.037589
BR1 2TD 13 0 51.41327 0.038925
BR1 2TE 58 0 51.412291 0.036811
BR1 2TG 20 0 51.409943 0.032695
BR1 2TH 19 0 51.413126 0.03738
BR1 2TJ 1 1 51.403539 0.034337
BR1 2TL 9 0 51.398757 0.054798
BR1 2TN 29 0 51.411897 0.036693
BR1 2TP 22 0 51.403029 0.053739
BR1 2TQ 10 0 51.412149 0.035683