all postcodes in BR2 / KESTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR2 7LG 43 0 51.379637 0.022313
BR2 7LH 14 1 51.378131 0.017318
BR2 7LJ 7 0 51.377731 0.016538
BR2 7LL 1 1 51.377137 0.016555
BR2 7LN 19 0 51.378616 0.014235
BR2 7LP 26 0 51.377348 0.016852
BR2 7LQ 49 3 51.379362 0.022085
BR2 7LR 32 0 51.37936 0.016481
BR2 7LS 36 0 51.379307 0.015889
BR2 7LT 29 0 51.379496 0.014345
BR2 7LU 26 0 51.386989 0.015796
BR2 7LW 13 0 51.378379 0.016579
BR2 7LX 29 0 51.387169 0.015257
BR2 7LY 10 0 51.387568 0.016626
BR2 7LZ 10 0 51.386813 0.016593
BR2 7NA 12 0 51.38515 0.015485
BR2 7NB 36 0 51.385241 0.01648
BR2 7ND 18 0 51.384377 0.014975
BR2 7NE 23 0 51.383138 0.013801
BR2 7NF 24 0 51.383255 0.014338