all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 3AL 1 0 51.349496 -2.970752
BS23 3AN 88 4 51.347894 -2.972735
BS23 3AP 25 0 51.349519 -2.971936
BS23 3AQ 23 3 51.349125 -2.969501
BS23 3AR 28 0 51.349623 -2.972355
BS23 3AS 58 1 51.347643 -2.97148
BS23 3AT 73 4 51.347658 -2.971868
BS23 3AU 38 1 51.34667 -2.970699
BS23 3AW 84 2 51.347827 -2.97315
BS23 3AX 22 2 51.347402 -2.970651
BS23 3AY 21 0 51.348091 -2.970571
BS23 3AZ 17 0 51.348802 -2.9705
BS23 3BB 41 2 51.348677 -2.969701
BS23 3BD 61 0 51.347624 -2.969455
BS23 3BE 42 0 51.347192 -2.969532
BS23 3BG 77 0 51.338743 -2.968005
BS23 3BH 35 0 51.346662 -2.969478
BS23 3BJ 34 0 51.343969 -2.963844
BS23 3BN 25 0 51.347016 -2.96836
BS23 3BP 20 0 51.348257 -2.96898